Naturally Nuts No-melt Suet Dough Stackable

Stack Up a Food Combo to Attract More Birds

Our Naturally Nuts® No-Melt Suet Stackable® is made of peanuts, rendered beef suet, corn and oats and an easy way to a high-energy, high-fat food to clinging and perching birds.

Long-lasting and easy to use, our Seed and No-Melt Suet Stackables allow you to offer more than one food at a time and cater to the preferences of the birds visiting your yard. With several unique flavors of Seed and No-Melt Suet Stackables™ to mix and match, you can have fun creating various combinations that will attract different birds to your backyard.

Avoid the mess of melted suet. Offer No-Melt Suet when seasonal temperatures are above 95º F and Suet when temperatures are below 95ºF. No-Melt Suet is rendered and refined to remove impurities that cause spoilage, and it's designed to withstand temperatures up to 130° F.